The pattern sort of went all wonky on my when I picked up the stitches after turning the heel and continued on into the gusset. It got more back to normal once the decreases were finished and I was working on the foot part. It's alright though - adds a little character...yeah, character...I'll go with that!
Thanks to all who have joined my One Sock Two Sock webring (link to join is on the sidebar listed under 'Rings'). Along with my crappy button (the one with the red socks and blue writing on black background), there are three new ones, and they, too, are on the sidebar. Feel free to use those on your blogs/sites, but remember to save them to your own computer first! Thanks to Susan for the one of the striped socks in high heels!
Very cute socks! The Monkey pattern is in the Winter issue of Knitty, and the link is here: http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEwinter06/PATTmonkey.html
They're very easy to do and a whole lot of fun. I recommend this pattern to EVERYBODY!
Ah another Monkey Sock addict then! I did them over christmas and I'm doing a pair for my daughter now.
Thanks for putting my button on your blog. I'm sticking with mine because I have no idea how to change the htlm! Told you son helped me!
Great finished socks, Shelley! A pair of socks always needs a little... character, right? :0)
Love the socks! The pooling is kinda funky, I like it!
I love the socks and I have been lured in by your sock along......I tried to resist but it will encourage me to use up some of the sock yarn I have and maybe come up with a few ideas of my own!!!!
I love these socks!!! I bet you have the warmest, most fashion forward socks in your area!!!
I LOVE socks with character! And I love the color is your socks. Wear them in good health & warmth!!
I like the socks! I had the "Paper Dolls" colorway which is no longer available. They have the same "character"
I'm getting the itch to make some new socks. "no, Bonnie, no, you must finish your other projects, first!!!!"
They look great!!
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