This (above) is yarn spaghetti! Yeah. This is the second of my recent socks that I've been working on (which has been slow due to school work). Looks great doesn't it! And what happened? Well, I'll let the next picture speak for itself...
Yup. Tinker Belle. I can't really blame her though, and I didn't get mad at her. I had left the sock and yarn in the living room because she was sleeping in the bathroom, and I figured she wouldn't bother it. She hasn't really been bothering my yarn (or should I say wool) lately, so thought it would be safe.
That wasn't the case though. She managed to get into it and create a jumble of yarn spaghetti before I could get to her. The first picture is taken on the dining room table after I picked up the mess from the livingroom floor. While I was taking the picture, she jumped up on the table and thought my work needed some rearranging (second picture). I snapped both pics, picked her up and told her that it wasn't her fault because I left the yarn laying around to tempt her. Got it all together again, and thankfully the stitches weren't pulled off the needles at all, so that was a blessing.
I'm closer to being done the second sock since the picture was taken yesterday. I've got three more repeats of the 10 row pattern and then start the decreases for the toe, and of course graft the toe. It would be great if I could get them finished this weekend, as I'm working on another children's pair that I am debating on giving to my nephew. I've got most of one done for that. As well, found out my nephew (or his parents) lost one of the mittens I had made him for Christmas, so I thought I'd make him another pair and this time add a crocheted cord to attach so he can keep them "attached" in his coat. I'm almost done the first mitten (up to the decreasing), and shouldn't take long to finish it and the second one. I want to get them mailed off Monday or Tuesday, so I'll be working on those this weekend as well.
Off to do some reading for class, and possibly work on an essay as well...oh what fun! Happy Knitting!
OH NO! Been there done that. My Bear-Kat loves alpaca roving. He will spread it out on the floor and just roll in it. Tends to leave the sheep wool alone though.
I'm thinking I wouldn't care much for yarn spaghetti!! I am glad my labs aren't into yarn!! So glad the stitches weren't off the needles!! That was a blessing!!
Gee sometimes I do that all by myself when a whole clump comes out from the middle and I've got spaghetti. Mittens, mittens that's what I need to knit today. Thanks for the reminder. ;-)
Argh! Good thing Tinker Belle is so cute! :0)
I hate the new Blogger! It made me switch yesterday, kept taking me in a loop til I caved...
I hope this doesn't show twice. My cats are prone to do that to my yarn once in awhile. Sometimes, though, they go in my yarn basket and get it out!
I know exactly how you must have felt. Several times I've accidentally left the lid off of my yarn bin, only to discover a jumbled mess where once my yarn was nicely organized. One time, my kitty was so entangled in the yarn that I had to *gasp* cut it in order to extricate her. Needless to say, it was cheap yarn, or kitty would still be in bonds.
What a mess, I have enough trouble with my children getting into my yarn, none of the 4 legged variety here. Glad you got it all straightened out.
My darling Noah once decided that a skein of yarn hanging up made a great hammock!
Bless him.
They are really good, they tend to leave the yarn alone, but my newest baby,Kira, is fascinated by it!
Oh my what a mess you had. Glad to hear you worked it all out. I hope she won't attack your feet when you wear those socks!
I like your little kitty across the top! kitty and yarn..yep and you thought it was safe ;}
looks like she had fun, those kitties love wool, hope she didn't eat any
Oh, those crazy cats! That's so nice of you to take the blame yourself instead of blaming the cat...I wish I could do that more often with my kids!
Ohhhhhh, gee, that's love.....
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