I still have some yarn left over - probably enough for another small pair of mittens. I'm not sure if I'll make another pair, or if I'll make a felt bowl from it. I think a hat would look nice, but don't know if I have enough for that...hold on, see the lightbulb overtop of my head? I just had a thought (scary isn't it?)! I have another skein of this yarn because I had bought 2 extra when I was working on the bag instead of just one...wasn't thinking I guess. Anyway, I suppose that now I could make a hat to go with the mittens...
I haven't worked on the sock yet, but that is next. No rush for this project either, as they are just for myself. There are so many gorgeous sock patterns out there, so many beautiful sock yarns...Everyday I see more and more patterns I want to try, and more and more yarn I wish I could afford to buy...but, I'm trying to knit from my stash for a little while before acqiring more yarn. I'm not in any "knit from your stash" group, but I just set this as a little goal/resolution for myself. Don't know how long it will last though...
Well, I'd better head off and do some homework so I'll feel like I did something other than knit. Then, after some homework and practicing my flute for tonight's lesson (unless it starts storming before that and they cancel it), I can reward myself with some more knitting!
I hear you on the knit from the stash thing. I'm not in any groups either cuz I'd never last! The fact that I work in a yarn store and get a discount doesn't help. I bought the yarn on my Sweet Sheep wishlist before Christmas, and now its managed to grow to four items again.
I also hear you on the sock patterns and sock yarns. I wound a ball of Cherry Tree Hill today to try Dipsy's sock pattern she posted on Dec 30. I may get them started tonight. It's been awhile since I made socks, it will be a nice change. Though I do want to try Newfoundland mittens for the boys....
love the mittens! I should have maid myself a pair for the wether tomm. we are suppose to have freezing rain here tonight!
Love that color od yarn, Lion brand has some nifty colorways;)
hi shelley,
i popped over to see what you are up to.
the yarn you are using for your "infamous " sock is VERY interesting. is that an
opal? at first, i thought you were knitting a left-over yarn sock ;oD.
I got some green, natural and brown variegated wool today. I cannot wait to felt!!!
Cool mittens!!!
Flute! My daughter plays flute in her highschool (I did, too for about 4 years many moons ago...) I might be asking you for some sock help shortly!(my first)
wonderful mittens. They look so warm and I love the color! (..and the snowball!)
Great finished mittens! A hat would be fun, but so would a bowl.... Decisions, decisions! :0)
My no new yarn until I knit my stash away lasted for about 2 weeks. I bought yarn when I went to Karen's yesterday ... I am so weak. But I have some lovely new yarn. Your mittens look very nice and some little person will have toasty fingers.
I LOVE your blog's new look! Its so pretty. Red is so cheerful isn't it. How fun to see what you are up too...=)
Shelley, the mittens are so pretty. I love the colors. They will certainly cheer up some child and keep their hands very warm! : )
The mittens are beautiful and I love the snow, please send some my way it is sooo hot here at the moment. So not a lot of knitting being done :(
Great job on your mittens!
Creative way to show of your mittens...
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