To start off, I thought I would post a group shot, followed by individual pictures.

Look at that red...too bad this wasn't all done last month when the colours for Project Spectrum included reds. Oh well, better late than never right? And at least I was working on them during the month of march. Other than the yellow baby blanket from one of my previous posts, I don't have anything yellow to work on.

And here you can see the feather and fan sock and how much yarn I have left. It looks like there will be enough to finish the sock, but I am still scared that looks are deceiving...I don't think I am too far off from the decrease for the toe area, so hopefully it will all work out in the end...

And here we have the sock that I am doing with the Knit Picks yarn. The pattern is from the Vintage Sock Patterns book, and is just one of the ribbed ones so far. I didn't know if this yarn would look good with some of the "fancier" patterns, so I chose something a little more simplistic. Also, I hadn't read the book very much at the time of deciding what pattern to use, and I assumed that the children's socks were for children so I was holding off trying the pattern for now...turns out she made them sized for ladies feet! Woo Hoo! However, I like this pattern too and it's easy. The heel flap and the turning are different from what I've done so far, so I learned something new with this pattern as well. Not sure if I really enjoy this one though (I'll give more details on which one when I get them finished...I'll need something to post with the pic!), but can decide after I at least make the second sock for the pair.
And lastly, we come to the cardigan. Ok, well blogger for some reason will not let me post the fourth, you'll have to wait or scroll back up to see it again. As I said, I finished the right front (I messed up and did the decreased on the wrong side so I ended up doing the right side instead of the left that I was attempting to do. So, I have the right side completed and some done on the left side. I hope I don't mess this little cardigan up; I would really like some little girl to have some enjoyment with such a fun little sweater. I can't wait to get it done and see the outcome of it.
I've also, as like a lot of other knitters, have more plans of what I want to attempt when I'm done my current WIP's. Sheesh, so many patterns, so little time (and money to buy the yarn for the projects)...
Anyway, happy knitting!
OOooh, you're working on so many pretty things, and so much red which is my all time favorite color!
Wow, socks are just like potato chips - bet you can't make just one pair - lol
Pretty colors, very nice!
Great job on the socks! Aren't they fun? I've just started my 3rd pair and am loving the process.
Sorry to hear about your friend Kate. So young!
Have a good weekend and Happy Easter.
Sheri in GA
Ohhh, it does look like it's going to be tight on the yarn. That's why I knit from the toe up. Well, only one reason. I also like to try them on as I go. Love that red! Looks like you'll have 2 pair done around the same time. Nice work!!
you got some cool stuff on the needles. can't wait to see the finished products.
And I love you counter. it's cute.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Kate. That is very sad indeed.
Some lovely things there, and like the rest of us, never enough time to make EVERYTHING we want to!!!!
You should have enough red the foot doesn't eat up as much yarn as the rest.
The socks are wonderful, Shelley! Can't wait to see your cardigan in progress.
Happy Easter Weekend,
Shelley your socks are wonderful. Your cat is even cuter! Nice pics! Thanks for all your visits to my blog.
The stress of having enough sock yarn is what motivated me to learn how to knit toe-up -- I highly recommend it! The feather and fan socks look great, though, including in the finished photo above.
I also like how your Knitpicks socks are coming out. I think picking a simple pattern was the way to go. By the way, I have found that the pair I made with that yarn have gotten much softer after several washings (in case you were worried about that).
Your socks look great Shelley. I have some of that Knit Picks yarn too. As soon as I'm done with all these baby socks I'm going to work on socks for me. I have so many to do for KALs right now and I'm so far behind on them. Thank you for all your lovely comments.
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