Well, I'm still here. I wish I could say I've been so extremely busy that I haven't had time to blog, but that's not the case. I've just been a little lazy I guess.
I got a postcard (from Boston) and another package (haven't taken the pic yet) from my awesome Secret Pal. She said she's got one more package for me - the reveal package, in which I will find out just who she is. She asked me in the card that was in the last package if she should wait til the end of the month to reveal herself or if she should send it sooner. I'm quite fine if she decides to wait til the end of the month...afterall, we're pretty much half way through June now (where has the time gone?). Thank you so much for the package & post card SP!
In knitting news, I've been working at the mindless knitting at work - the scarf made with the yarn I dyed with Easter egg dyes. It's looking pretty, and I'm not far from being finished with it. I only work at it during lunch and breaks at work, that's why it's not finished yet.
I've also been slowly working at the scarf for my friend at work. I've only got about three repeats of the pattern finished though. I'm doing the Dayflower Lace scarf, and I'm wondering if the yarn I'm using is working with the pattern. I'm sure once it is blocked it will look more like the pattern. Right now it's a little difficult to see the pattern, but when I stretch it some I can see it a little better. I just hope it turns out well enough to give her as a retirement gift.
I was waiting for my yarn to come in so I could start on my Sockapalooza Pal's socks. It finally came in yesterday, but now I don't know if I'll have enough. I got some Panda Wool (2 skeins) to make her socks, and the pattern I was going to use (and an alternate one) both say to use nearly 3 skeins of the wool for larger socks. My pal's feet is a smidgen bigger than mine and she likes them about 7 1/2" from the cuff to the heel. I'm afraid that I won't have enough yarn with the Panda, so I just might go ahead and use some sock yarn from my stash (though I might also have to use a different pattern because my stash yarn doesn't have any solids in it, and the patterns I planned on using would look better in a solid yarn). I've been thinking about using one of the patterns (as an alternative) from Sensational Knitted Socks, but now I think that pattern might also look better in a solid yarn. Oh, what to do, what to do!
I want to get these socks started soon so I can get them completed and off to her before I have to spend my time getting ready for South Korea. I think we have to have the socks to our pals in August, and since I leave sometime in August, I'd like to make sure I get my pal's socks out on time - if not a little early. But first, I have to finish the Razor Shell sock (still slowly working on it from time to time) because I need those needles...unless I use a 2.75mm needle...though that would make for a looser sock.
At any rate, I should work on one of my WIPs and get it completed instead of doing little bits of several of them. That way I'd have some pics of FOs to show. Off to work on some knitting since I've slowed down on that in the evenings so I won't aggrivate the carpal tunnel. So far it isn't bothering me, so I guess I'll get some knitting done while I can!

Nice to hear you're doing all right - although you sound super busy! ;)
I just bought some Panda Wool, myself. What about doing a toe up pair, and just knitting until you run out of yarn?
So glad you decided on your Sock Pal's yarn and socks. I've decided too but I'm not going to tell you so it'll be a surprise. Happy sock knitting!
Your Sock Pal
Glad you're doing well! Yopu sound busy to me, not lazy. I particulalrly can't wait to see your shell socks! The last picture was so lovely.
What about Tinkerbell when you go away???
LOL...I'm sooo not super busy at all! I'll probably start getting busy towards the end of July and into August when I have to get ready to go.
As for Tinker Belle, she'll be living with my parents while I'm gone. I'm really going to miss her! I just hope she doesn't forget me.
Oh, and to my Sockapalooza Pal...I love being surprised...just so long as it isn't a surprize party - I don't like those.
Panda wool?! too cool!
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the little shrug things... I've been busy/lazy too;)
I followed the patten but used smaller needles(US6) and smaller yarn(peaches & cream) I did make the ribbing a little shorter too, like about one inch instead of two or so, I knida just did what looked good as I went. All three of the ones I made are a bit differdnt than the others.
I hope that helps, you can e-mail me if you need to.
take care!
Poor Tinker Belle, I am sure she will miss you. How long will you be gone? Well I know they knit in Korea, my daughter's friend down the road has grandparents visiting from Korea and she has been knitting up a storm while she has been here.
Tink looks like she's saying "mom?" Hope the carpal tunnel is better soon. And yes ankle socks count as long as they have a turned heel.
Monica, I'll be in Korea for a year - that's the length of the contract. I hope they have some different yarn in Korea (non-acrylic), that isn't too expensive, for me to try!
Karen...well, if they count, then I'll have to make some - might get those done quicker than a "full" pair of socks, LOL!
How exciting ot hear about your plans for South Korea.
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