I did some more spinning Sunday and Monday. Yes, not to worry, I did some studying for my exams too. I used the extra stuff Heidi had given us at the end of class to practice with. In the foreground of the picture, you'll see some with two colours; that is a bit of leftover from class that I wanted to use up before switching to the offwhite. I just came from an exam and all my spinning terms are somewhere in the back of my brain, laying dormant for when they can come forward and shine again...until then, they will remain in hibernation (at least until after my exam on Tuesday).Anyway, there are definately differences in the spinning; some thicker ar
eas and some thinner. The above is two plied, and I am so stoked (whatever that means) that I remembered to twist the drop spindle the opposite way to what the singles were done! To the right is the ball of all the top that I spun. Offhand, I'd say it's probably a little smaller than the size of a tennis ball, or close to it anyway. After I had done the plying, I soaked it and hung it to dry (with a coffee cup for a weight). There isn't enough to knit anything with, but I'll either keep it as is for future comparisons, or I'll just knit a swatch up to see how it looks (and use for future comparisons). Not really sure right now though. I also have done some spinning when taking breaks from studying. I've been using some of the coloured roving I bought after the class the other day and I must say that I am doing it much thinner than I have - a big improvement. There aren't as many big fluffy sections as in the beginning. I haven't a clue what size the yarn would/will be once plied, but I am guessing probably chunky or something like that. It's definately not sock yarn size. I'll try to take a pic of it over the next day or so, so you can see how I've come along. It's still far from perfect, but I'm proud of it (at least so far).Here's a blurry pic of Tinker Belle. I think she likes the spinning...or at least the wool. When I was trying to take pics of it she got up to grab hold of it. The camera was sitting on the stool so I just pointed and shot the pic before she got away - didn't want her taking my yarn with her!
S is also for Secret Pal Yup, she's done it again! My SP10 pal sent me two more little packages, and I go them today.
The first one I opened had a cute little "knitting" card which explained what the pouch was. It's a dpn holder! It's so cute! She made it herself, and I think she did an awesome job on it! Under the flap, there is a ribbon (held on one end with velcro and sewn in on the other) to hold stitch holders so they don't get lost in travel. I should try to remember to take a close up of it so you can see it better. Maybe I'll try and do that tomorrow when I take a break from studying. It's really cute and she used three different patterned materials to make it. Plus, the ribbon is pretty and colourful polka dots. My SP said she is new to sewing, but I think she did a fantastic job on this! I don't think I'd know how to make one of these.
In the other package was a nice little note and some patterns (a scarf and some socks)! I tell you, my SP is definately spoiling me - but I like being spoiled! Thanks so much Secret Pal, you rock!! I can't wait to start knitting these patterns, and the one from the CD in the last package too. Can't wait for exams to be finished so I can focus on knitting these in the evenings! I tell you, it was hard to study for awhile after the mail came today. I had to take these patterns and dpn holder and put them away so that I wouldn't be tempted to even look at them while studying (been hard enough trying to focus on studying - I'm sick of studying, sick I tell ya!). I do admit that a couple of times I did put my notes down and go fondle the dpn holder and look over the patterns...but not for long.
Well, my next exam in on Monday (then one on Tuesday), so tomorrow I'll have to get back to studying. But for tonight, I am going to go and knit! Now, I have been getting a little knitting done. When I wake up in the morning I'm not awake enough to study right away (or do much of anything), so I've been doing some somewhat mindless knitting. I've been doing a lacy scarf that I had intended for a friend of mine at work (which I start back to on May 7). She likes the colour red, and I had ordered some alpaca yarn from Elann in the colour sangria. I thought it was more redder than it is (it's more of a reddish brown), but thought I'd knit up the scarf in it anyway. Well, I'm undecided if I'll gift it to her or not (might just take a ball of the yarn in and ask her what she thinks of the colour and if she likes it, then she can have the scarf. If she doesn't like it, then I'll put the scarf on the mitten tree at Christmas or find someone else to gift it to. Anyway, the scarf is a quick knit (when I can knit it...I usually only do a repeat each morning, and have about 4 more repeats to do) so it shouldn't take long to finish it, especially after exams are done. I'll have to block it as well, but I'll definately put a pic up when it's done.
For now, I am off to work on my ISE4 pal's scarf as I haven't worked on that since before the weekend. I'm over half done with it, and it too seems to work up fairly quickly. Gotta love the quick knits!
Happy Knitting!!