Remember that song from Sesame Street? It's one of those catchy little tunes that get stuck in your head and you just can't get it out.
Who are the people in your neighbourhood, in your neighbourhood, in your neighbourhood; Oh who are the people in your neighbourhood? The people that you meet each day!
Well, that has absoloutely nothing to do with knitting or with this post, but I just thought I'd put a post up so you didn't think the rapture came and I was taken and you weren' No, I wanted to share this with you because I'm a little instigator and I wanted you to get the song stuck in your head!!! Mwwaahhhaahahahahaaaa!
I haven't been doing much knitting the last little while because of my wrists - still trying to keep them rested for a little while. I won't be getting any socks done for the June Sock A Month KAL and that breaks my heart. I did get some done on the first child's sock though (I wasn't as far head on it as I thought I was - was doing the heel flap), but now I am nearly to the decreasing at the toe area. However, if that were the second sock, I probably would push myself and finish it; but since it's the first one, I'll just wait and do it up for July. Oh well, thems the breaks I guess.
Anyway, I'm going to head out and rest my wrists some more. I'll probably do some reading for awhile before bed, or maybe I'll get a bit of inspiration and do some writing (I'll write it long hand so my wrists wont be as aggrivated for typing all day at work tomorrow). Hopefully I'll get some knitting done and post some pics soon. I'll leave you with the latest Tinker Belle pic though, just to make the post interesting. This was taken a few days ago, and she is looking out the back screen door onto the patio.
That is what I am asking myself...where is the knitting? My wrists have been bothering me this last week, what with sitting at the computer all day typing at work. I still haven't located my wrist thing-a-majigs - maybe I need to look a little harder or just go to Wal-Mart and get new ones. I've been trying to cut back on the knitting and computer time and that has helped some. More than anything, my wrists feel tired but not overly 'sore'. Last Friday though, one of them did feel a little like the numbness would come back if I didn't stop the typing. Thankfully it was at the end of the work day and I was able to rest my wrists over the weekend.I've done some knitting and crocheting, but not a whole heck of a lot. Not much has been done on the baby sweater for the lady at work, but it's getting there. She doesn't need it until December, though she was thinking of having it by the end of October. I'll get it done before then though.On the Easter colourway socks I am on the gusset part of the first sock, and have not touched the other ones. June is almost over - only 10 more days and I don't think I'll get these ones done to count for my June socks for the Sock a Month KAL. I think I'll have to pull out the children's socks I had started a couple of months ago and finish those. I should be able to get them done on time as I was on the foot part I think of the first one, and they are only a size 2-4 and they knit up fairly quickly. But, if my wrists bother me too much I just might have to let this month slide by. Keeping my wrists 'healthy' is more important than finishing a pair of socks for the KAL (though that runs a close second).I've also been working on my writing some. I've got tonight and tomorrow night to finish my short story for the writer's challenge over at Faith Writers. I haven't entered the challenge for several weeks now because I haven't been able to come up with anything for the topics. Hopefully this one I'm working on will see completion and I can enter it. Anyway, off to work on that and maybe do some sock knitting if my wrists are feeling fine. Happy knitting!
I've been doing a little knitting and crocheting lately, but not too much. My neck and shoulder have been feeling better and I think the little break has helped some. I've got two pairs of socks started as well as the little sweater for the lady at work (which is being done in crochet). For all of them I don't have much done. The sweater is generally only worked on at work during breaks and lunch, but it goes fast. I started one of the pairs of socks the other day, and the other one a couple weeks back but was working on finishing the socks in the previous post.
The socks to the left are being done with Knit Picks "Dancing" in the ballet colourway. I am either done with the cuff, or just have a few more rows to go. The socks with this yarn will be from Nancy Bush's Knitting Vintage Socks, and the pattern is Child's French Sock.
The sock to the right is with Knit Pick's Memories in the Easter colourway. I really like the bright colours on this one. The pattern is just a simple basic sock from Patons. It is from one of those free little pattern sheets you can get, but I've also seen it online. However, as I said, it is a basic pattern so you can pretty much find those everywhere. I was thinking of using the blueberry waffles pattern or the haystacks pattern for the Memories socks, but one of them said I'd need three balls of yarn and I only have two. The other one I either figured that I might not have enough yarn, or it too called for three balls. I think I was afraid of running out of yarn, and it seems to me that the Easter colourway of this yarn isn't being sold least in their catalogue and online they aren't showing it. Maybe it's only offered in the Spring...I don't know.You'd think when I had the camera out that I would have taken a picture of the baby sweater I'm crocheting, but I honestly never thought to. You'll have to wait for another time to see it. It's the white baby yarn that has those small splotches of colour throughout it, and it's looking cute. I showed what I have done of it to Wendy (the one who requested it), and she loved it. I also told her that I wasn't going to put the edging around it because that would make it look too girly, and she's wanting something pretty neutral for a boy or a girl. She was fine with that though.I have also been working on some writing lately, and you can read about it on my newest blog (hey now, I only have 3 of them...sheesh! I'm not a blogging addict or anything...yet. Just wanted to keep things seperate.) which is called Ink Scrawls. You can click the link to take you there, where you can play a little hangman on the sidebar, or leave a comment - I love comments). I'm slowly working on a novel, and I've got an idea for a short story for the latest writer's challenge over at Faith Writers. I haven't entered the challenge for a little while, so I'd really like to get one done up to submit.So, I'm going to head off now and do an update (maybe) on one or both of the other blogs and get back to knitting and crocheting. Going to also try to get some more writing done this afternoon or this evening as well.Happy Knitting!