Well, it finally happened. I got off my butt...well, sort of...and starting some sock knitting. This is the first I've done (sock knitting that is) since I arrived in Korea.
First off, let me apologize for the sideways picture. This computer I am using is all in Korean (except my MSN messenger and any English web sites I go to) and I have no clue what to click on. Also, the program they have on here for saving their pictures doesn't seem to bring them up for viewing so I have no idea how to even do that so I can rotate it.
Anyway, this is the beginnings of my new sock (colour is actually darker than the picture). Yay! It's an inch and a half of 2x2 ribbing. I'm using my new Koigu yarn I bought in Insa-Dong and my new needles (2.7 mm...weird, I know). I'm using the Yukon Leaves pattern by Lela Conrad. I've never used Koigu yarn before, or 2.7 mm needles for that matter. I hope I'll have enough yarn for each sock. The pattern says it's for an 8 inch cuff, but I think I'll make it a little shorter. From heel to top of cuff I usually make my socks about 7 inches. Also, I don't know if this pattern uses a lot of yarn in the design or not. Well, if I do run out of yarn, I'll have to go to Insa-Dong again (good excuse for a shopping excursion) to get another skein. She had lots there so I don't think I'd have a problem finding the same dye lot.
I was debating on doing this pattern or the famous Monkey socks that are everywhere in blogsphere. I printed out both patterns and decided to try the Yukon Leaves with the Koigu and use my Fleece Artist I brought with me on the Monkey socks. Such a difficult choice to make in deciding what pattern to make. I wish I had all my sock patterns from back home with me...not that that would make the choice any easier though. At any rate, it feels good getting back into sock knitting - and having more than one project on the go! I just hope it doesn't take me forever to get these socks done. I'm making them for myself this time, and not in a child's size to put on the mitten tree. But, I can't wait to see the pattern emerge in this Koigu. I am really liking the colours so far which suprises me somewhat since I'm not normally drawn to these colours or the darker colours. I thought I'd get something a little out of my normal colour range, and I'm glad I did.
Well, off to do a little web surfing and possibly some more knitting before bed tonight! Happy knitting to you, my friends!