
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Spinning My Wheels...Or Should I Say My Drop Spindle

My Ashford Drop Spindle
As I mentioned the other day, I wanted to get back into spinning using my drop spindle.  Well, I pulled it out and attempted to spin.

It didn't work.  It wasn't joining to the fibre already spun on the spindle.  What was I going to do?

I went to Ravelry and posted about it in one of the spinning groups I belong to.

I received some good replies, and I will attempt to follow the advice given.

I was told I might have to take some of what is spun and pull it apart so I can join the new to the old.  Or, I might just take what is there (what is showing in the picture is the amount I'd spun a few years ago when I first tried) and take it off the spindle and start over from scratch.

I am attempting to try to reattach, but after a few more attempts I might just start over again, depending, of course, if I can't get it going again.  It would be a shame to have to start over, but you have to do what you have to do.

I will keep you all updated on my further attempts.

Happy spinning (and knitting)!

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